Junko Enoshima (江ノ島 盾子), is a student in Hope's Peak Academy's Class 78th, and a participant of the Killing School Life featured in Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc. 45 kg DR3 Pendant ce temps, elle testait des méthodes pour effacer la mémoire, et réussit à effacer la sienne avec l'aide de son ami d'enfance, Yasuke Matsuda. Junko est grande et svelte. Après son exécution, de nombreux membres d'Ultime Désespoir se suicidèrent. Son apparence … The series was published in the United States by Enterbrain USA. Junko additionally manages to cheat her own self-imposed execution by having her mind converted to an artificial intelligence at the moment of her original death.[6]. Danganronpa IF Les deux sœurs jumelles planifièrent le Lycée des meurtres afin de leur infliger du "vrai désespoir". Illustration Taille This is just a dumb joke I made because I was bored and tbh you’re probably only … DR1 Mais c'était sans compter sur Kyôko sautant également dans le gouffre donnant sur la déchetterie pour le sauver. Rachel Gardner from Angels of Death also has a super creepy backstory… Anime schoolgirls often look sweet and innocent. Junko et Yasuke s'aimaient, d'une manière très différente l'un l'autre, Junko expliquant qu'il était "la personne la plus importante" pour elle. L'EXPERT DU KATANA ET DU COSPLAY - Entreprise Française. deathbattle danganronpa junko_enoshima deathbattlescrewattack five_nights_at_freddys springtrap. Attention, cet article contient énormément de, Sauf mention contraire, le contenu de la communauté est disponible sous licence. Megumi Toyoguchi Jamie Marchi Peggy Pollow Elle ne montrait aucune affection envers elle ni d'inquiétude et n'eut pas la moindre hésitation à la tuer lorsque Mukuro endossait son rôle dans le Lycée des Meurtres. Sa voix change plusieurs fois durant le dernier Tribunal afin de représenter chacune de ses personnalités. Execution 169 cm In Danganronpa/Zero, the given name of her amnesiac alias Ryōko (涼子) means “Refreshing child”, while her surnname Otonashi (涼子) means “no sound”, a play-on-words of "demure" otonashī (大人しい). Junko Enoshima • 180 Pin. Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc Upon being exposed as the mastermind, Junko embodies a series of personas revealed in Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair to be based on the personalities of her cult of followers, the "Ultimate Despair." Angles of Death. Junko Enoshima • 72 Pin. In the "Despair Arc" of Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope's Peak High School, set before the events of the first game, Junko is collected from the airport by Mukuro in a limo after she blows up her taxi. Junko Enoshima • 1.769 Pin. Emportez vos fandoms favoris partout avec vous. Junko porte également une mini-jupe rouge et des bottes à lacets, ainsi que des faux ongles rouges. Junko Enoshima • 133 Pin. You’ll need a white shirt, black cardigan, red and black tartan skirt, and a white necktie. Batim. Durant le dernier Tribunal de Classe, Makoto et Kyôko tirèrent la conclusion que Junko était la marionnettiste de cette mascarade, le cerveau derrière le Lycée des Meurtres. Junko Enoshima Junko Enoshima • 27 Pin. Junko Enoshima is the main antagonist of the Danganronpa franchise. They have bright, shiny eyes, cute sailor-themed uniforms, high-pitched voices, and unrealistically wonderful bento making skills. Aiba discover an autograph left by Junko in the titular somnium, featuring a drawing of herself with two Monokuma robots. Junko s’en fichait éperdument et ne la voyait que comme un pion censé obéir à ses ordres. Junko Enoshima • 395 Pin. Elle dit également sa très célèbre phrase, "Inutile, inutile, inutile", durant un Machinegun Talk Battle. Junko se lia d'amitié avec ses camarades de la Classe 78, tout en échafaudant son plan de création d'Ultime Désespoir avec Mukuro. Originally conceived as an early murder victim, the idea of Junko as an antagonist was conceived by creator and scenario writer Kazutaka Kodaka as a fully unsympathetic villain with no tragic backstory to explain away her actions, due to his personal dislike for the popular sympathetic villain trope. Sayaka Kanda. Cela créa beaucoup d'attention, et selon Mukuro qui était déguisée en tant qu'elle, les seuls hommes intéressés par Junko étaient des "obsédés qui ne se souciaient pas vraiment d'elle". Later, Junko and Mukuro recruit the "Ultimate Animator" Ryota Mitarai, whom they share as a lover, to develop a brainwashing anime to serve their cause, which they test on the "Ultimate Nurse" Mikan Tsumiki, who pledges herself to the sisters in the name of despair. Yasuke la protégeait, ainsi que Mukuro, et s'impliqua dans leur plan en effaçant la mémoire de Junko et créant la personnalité de Ryouko Otonashi. anime. Sending Izuru to lead her class in bringing despair to the world, Junko prepares for the coming apocalypse. Five Nights at Freddy's VS Danganronpa! Dans le second jeu, elle est transformée en I.A. Super High School Level Fashion Girl). Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls, Danganronpa 3: La Fin de l'Académie Kibôgamine, Super Danganronpa 2.5: Komaeda Nagito to Sekai no Hakaimono, https://danganronpa.fandom.com/fr/wiki/Junko_Enoshima?oldid=10744. Caractéristiques (explaining their reactivation in the prior game's post-credits scene), hijacking the Future Foundation's attempted removal of her followers' brainwashing by having her top lieutenant and former "Ultimate Hope" Izuru Kamukura download her into their rehabilitation program "Neo World", where she places their younger virtual selves into another "killing game". blend s. Junko Enoshima • 174 Pin. However, Junko has a considerably larger chest than Mukuro, and weighs two pounds more than her. Une de ses poses fait référence à Dio Brando de Jojo's Bizarre Adventures. Mukuro se souciait et aimait énormément sa soeur cadette. Anime The game is additionally implied to be set in the same fictional universe as Danganronpa in the resulting conversation between the duo. • La Tragédie de l'Académie Kibôgamine • La vie Lycéenne d'Assassinat Mutuel Elle soumit alors un vote entre l'idée abstraite de l'Espoir, et son propre Désespoir, où tous les étudiants vivraient leur vie entre les murs de l'Académie, en sécurité - sauf Makoto, qui recevraient l'Ultime Exécution. In the first game, Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc, Junko fakes her death by having Mukuro pose as her so she can kill her under her Monokuma guise, using the event to encourage her former classmates at Hope's Peak Academy to participate in a "killing game", both actions serving to feed her desire to fuel an "ultimate despair" within herself and them. Elle est à l'origine des Warriors of Hope et espérait que Monaca trouve le successeur qui amènerait le désespoir dans le monde comme Junko. Junko fut acculée quand Makoto et Kyôko revinrent dans le gymnase pour lui poser un ultimatum. Because of that, she took an interest in despair, which she believes is unpredictable and exciting, at a very yo… [11][12][13] Junko is also the main protagonist of the light novel series Danganronpa/Zero. Junko Enoshima is one of the tritagonists of The Punkettes. With no possibility of redemption, [and that] the idea that absolute evil is something desirable and pleasant. Junko Enoshima has done a lot of awful things to satisfy her boredom, but taking the lives of her own sister and friend is pretty horrific. Bored with the mundanity of the society she knows inside out, she decides to experience something completely new by plunging the world into inescapable despair, causing the The Worst, Most Despair In… Junko's initial talent and the one she is famous for. How well do you know Junko Enoshima! Romanisé Nom A un moment particulier de leur vie, Yasuke perdit sa mère à cause d'une maladie lui ayant effacé sa mémoire. Avant la Tragédie, elle fut la responsable de la mort de plusieurs autres étudiants, dont un faisant partie du Comité d'Organisation et l'autre étant Isshiki Madarai. In the game's climax, Junko's true plan is revealed to be to transfer her A.I self into the bodies of those of her followers whose virtual selves killed each other, their real selves (with whom she shared a polyamorous relationship) having arranged their capture to allow Junko a chance to return in a physical body, and from there to the watching Future Foundation and the wider world at large, to be dubbed "Junkoland". Junko's career as a Punkette is a Runner. Though on his way he was stopped by a mysterious figure that will alter this timelines events and put them on a path for destruction or maybe that will be their only hope? Paradoxalement, il est dit qu'elle l'aimait vraiment, et que sa trahison n'était qu'une manière de les plonger toutes deux dans le vrai désespoir, bien qu'elle n'eut jamais compris que la définition que Mukuro avait du désespoir était bien différente de la sienne. Junko subsequently betrays Izuru by sending a mass e-mail to the students of the Reserve Course exposing his existence along with the footage of her killing game and how their funding had been used for human experimentation, leading to a mass riot and protest dubbed "The Parade". Contrairement à Tôko, elle garde les souvenirs de ses autres personnalités. 3 months ago Charli Dean . An additional manga series, published by Ichijinsha, was released solely in Japan. Danganronpa. -Junko Enoshima- - 545 Followers, 75 Following, 3776 pins | As long as you don’t yearn for hope, you will never fall victim to despair ||Be healthy and stay hydrated, or else. [14][15] A Japanese musical and series of stage plays based on the series, sponsored by Kellogg's Cornflakes, cast actor Sayaka Kanda as Junko Enoshima, in addition to confirming her incestuous relationship with her sister Mukuro Ikusaba (whom Kanda also portrays) formerly only inferred in previous media, adapting the events of the first two games and the anime series and featuring Nobuyo Ōyama and TARAKO reprising their roles as Monokuma from the video game series.[16][17][18][19][20][21]. After sharing their love for despair with him and pitching that they join their cause, Izuru deduces the "Despair Sisters" are too bored with the world and share similar analytical abilities to himself, agreeing to join their cause, before knocking the pair out so that he may escape. Elle apparaît également dans Danganronpa 3: La Fin de l'Académie Kibôgamine pour, avant les événements du premier jeu, plonger le monde dans le Désespoir. After deciding to use her own class for her next killing game, Junko and Mukuro create a new brainwashing video they dub the "Despair Video" with the intent of sharing it with the entirety of the Reserve Course and pull in further support for "Ultimate Despair", drawing in Nagito Komaeda and a class representative who would later serve as the basis for Chiaki Nanami, investigating the cause of the first killing game, now dubbed "The Tragedy". Throughout the game, Junko (in the form of a robotic stuffed beardubbed Monokuma) provides various motives to turn the students against one another, overseeing … Makoto décida de passer sous silence le mensonge de Kyôko durant le Tribunal de Classe quand Kyôko annonça qu'elle n'avait pas pu entrer dans sa propre chambre. Elle fut forcée d'accepter un nouveau Tribunal, mais sans se faire de souci, sûre et certaine qu'ils ne pourraient supporter l'idée que la Tragédie avait détruit le monde extérieur. Elle porte un cardigan noir sur une chemise blanche négligemment boutonnée, ce qui laisse apparaître son soutien-gorge, et porte de nombreux accessoires comme sa cravate noire, blanche et rouge. After joining the city with Spyro, Junko then became her Punkette. Mukuro est la soeur jumelle de Junko. Wiki DanganRonpa est une communauté de FANDOM appartenant à la catégorie Anime. Etat Junko Enoshima is a member of the 78th class of Hope's Peak Academy with the title Ultimate Fashionista for her impeccable fashion sense and ability to predict and set trends. If you’re a huge Danganronpa fan, you can easily cosplay as Junko Enoshima with a few items you can find in thrift stores or online. Son Talent dans la version Japonaise est Gyaru, qui est une manière de prononcer le mot "Girl". Elle enregistra tout ce qui se passait et mit en route la retransmission télévisée du programme comme une télé-réalité, afin que le public ressente lui aussi le désespoir de voir des Lycéens d'élite se tuer entre eux. AB Please help improve this article by editing it. The Archetype of: Game of Death Mastermind. Dans Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls on apprend que c'est elle qui à créé les Soldats de l'Espoir pour s'assurer un successeur. Monobear File - Death Of Junko Enoshima Victim: Junko Enoshima Killer: Mukuro Ikusaba Cause of Death: Suffocated and beaten Location: Junko's Room Time of Death: 4 in the morning Testimonies/Alibis - Maizono: Up thinking, murder plots and all Ikusaba: Was training in her room all night Mioda: Probabally partying and dancing. Springtrap VS Junko Enoshima|DEATH BATTLE!!! 0 °•°Kanji°•° 江ノ島盾子 °•°Romaji°•° Enoshima Junko °•°Titre°•° La Fashion Victim Ultime. Discover (and save!) Junko is depicted in the 2019 Spike Chunsoft game AI: The Somnium Files, in which protagonists Date and his A.I. Ex Affiliation Famille connue Jeu As bad as she is, she is so powerful and charming that she draws you in. Megumi Toyoguchi Amanda Céline Miller Erin Fitzgerald Junko dit avoir regretté le moment de sa propre naissance, que cela avait été une erreur. Elle réalisa ensuite que Kyôko avait réussi à se glisser dans le bureau du principal et avait volé la clé pouvant ouvrir toutes les portes du lycée, ainsi que des informations sur Mukuro. Féminin Her title is the Ultimate Fashionista (超高校級の「ギャル」 lit. Rachel Gardner from Angels of Death also has a super creepy backstory… Anime schoolgirls often look sweet and innocent. Soi-disant morte exécutée par Monokuma pour ne pas avoir respecté les règles de l'Assassinat Mutuel, elle s'avère la réelle antagoniste de l'histoire, imitée auparavant par sa sœur Mukuro Ikusaba. MatsuShima is the het ship betweenYasuke MatsudaandJunko Enoshima from the Danganronpa fandom. Jun 25, 2018 - This Pin was discovered by Destiny jean. Makoto rassura les étudiants ayant survécu qu'il existait bien un futur en dépit des difficultés, et ainsi les convainquit de voter l'Espoir, condamnant Junko à l'Ultime Exécution. Elle donna comme raison que Mukuro agissait d'une manière ne ressemblant pas du tout au déguisement de Junko qu'elle était sensée incarner. Danganronpa: The Animation Junko Enoshima has done a lot of awful things to satisfy her boredom, but taking the lives of her own sister and friend is pretty horrific. Anniversaire As she puts it, she regretted the moment of her own birth, feeling that her birth into the world was a mistake.Due to her analytical skills allowing her to predict the outcome of events, she became bored with the world. Cependant, l'exécution de Makoto fut interrompue par l'intervention d'Alter Ego qui l'envoya dans la déchetterie de l'école. Dans Danganronpa/Zero, elle se révèle, sous les traits de Ryôko Otonashi, être l'Ultime Analyste. Toutes les commandes sont préparées à la demande et généralement expédiées sous 24 heures dans le monde entier. Junko n'eut pas le choix que d'accuser Makoto. Junko's eyes are more round and larger, and are blue with her contacts or naturally red compared to Mukuro's light purple eyes. Novel Pour le consoler, Junko construisit un château de sable époustouflant, durant plus d'un mois, attirant des centaines de personnes. Cela écarta pendant un long moment Junko de tout souci quant à l'identité de celui qui contrôlait Monokuma. At the time of Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc, Junko has Mukuro pose as her so that she may die in her place in a moment of "Ultimate Despair", while she uses her Monokuma persona to embark on her killing game. Pendant un moment, elle vécut en tant qu'amnésique sous le nom de Ryouko Otonashi avant de finalement retrouver la mémoire, après avoir tué Yasuke dans une crise de désespoir. Enoshima peut littéralement signifier "l'île de la baie" ou faire référence à l'île au large de la préfecture de Kanagawa. She would explain it to him as he wrote it down. 1 Canon 2 Quotes 3 Fanon 4 Fandom 5 Navigation This section is in need of major improvement. Junko vint alors lui dire en riant que c'était elle qui l'avait détruit, pour s'amuser. Enoshima: Bein a dead man Tanaka: Practicing the 'dark arts' … Whether they want to conquer … 17 Comments. Anniversaire°•° 24 Décembre °•°Taille°•° 1m69 °•°Poids°° 45 … However, he’d allow her to dictate how the person would act/feel moments before death. Son apparence et sa personnalité changent souvent d'un moment à l'autre, changeant parfois sa tenue (par exemple, la Junko "déprimée" se verra des champignons pousser sur la tête). ⚠️Spoilers! Ultimately, after her followers' virtual selves decide to remain in the program, Alter Ego Junko is deleted by a new manifestation of the program's former operator, Usami. If possible, he’d set up a time and place where she could go and watch everything go down. [27], Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls, Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope's Peak High School, "Behind the Voice Actors › Junko Enoshima", "Developer Kazutaka Kodaka talks about creating, "A chat with Kazutaka Kodaka (Scenario Draft, Overseer) x Yuuji Higa (Animation Producer)", "Hardcore Gaming 101: Trigger Happy Havoc: Danganronpa / Danganronpa: Kibou no Gakuen to Zetsubou no Koukousei", "Killer Killer Manga is Revealed as Danganronpa Spinoff in 3rd Chapter", "ダンガンロンパ3 -The End of 希望ヶ峰学園- 未来編/絶望編 電撃コミックアンソロジー (電撃コミックスEX)", "ダンガンロンパ3 -The End of 希望ヶ峰学園- コミックアンソロジー (DNAメディアコミックス)", "The 70 best video game characters of the decade", "10 Anime Villains With The Biggest Bodycounts, Ranked", "Anime is for everyone in the joyful world of TikTok memes", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Junko_Enoshima&oldid=1000949452, Articles containing Japanese-language text, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 17 January 2021, at 14:26. Cosplay junko enoshima dans danganronpa. Her given name alludes to a shield with its use of jun (盾),[5] while her surname, Enoshima, references the offshore island of the same name Enoshima (江の島). Elle accepta sa mort avec plaisir, mais pas avant de jeter vers les étudiants restants le boîtier qui ouvrirait la porte centrale donnant vers l'extérieur. [26] Junko and Monokuma were collectively named as the "Most Popular Game Character for Cosplay" in the Guinness World Records Gamer's Edition in 2018. Les quinze survivants découpèrent les restes de son cadavre pour se les attacher à leurs propres membres.On pense notamment à l'exemple notable de Nagito, qui scia sa main gauche et la remplaça avec celle de Junko, bien qu'elle ne puisse bouger. Poids On ne sait toujours pas comment son corps a réussi à rester intact durant son exécution, et comment les membres survivants d'Ultime Désespoir réussirent à extraire des morceaux de son corps en bon état sans être écrasés. In the climax of Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls, set between the first and second games, the Monokuma variants Shirokuma and Kurokuma are both revealed to be under the control of Alter Ego Junko, with the goal of molding Monaca Towa to become the "heir to despair", before they are both destroyed by Izuru Kamukura so he can transfer her to a USB to bring with him to Jabberwock Island, setting up the events of Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair.[7]. bungou stray dogs. Junko commença une carrière de mannequin et devint rapidement une référence parmi la population japonaise. The Ultimate Punishment Elle a de plus grands yeux que sa sœur Mukuro, une poitrine plus fournie et n'a pas de tâches de rousseur. Au départ livide quand les résultats furent annoncés, Junko fut soudainement incroyablement ravie de pouvoir goûter à son Désespoir pour la dernière fois. Statut [22], Junko Enoshima has generally been praised by critics for being depicted as a thoroughly irredeemable character with a realistic profession, praised as "a powerful and dynamic figure [whose] legacy lives on in [all] subsequent games. [3] Early concept art for the character depicts her with smaller pigtails, a white skirt, and an overall golden color scheme with red and black highlights, elements of which were also adopted for the character's fraternal twin sister Mukuro Ikusaba.[4]. D'après Makoto, Junko est une jeune mannequin ayant conquis le public de manière fulgurante avec ses goûts extravagants. As children, Junko and her twin sister Mukuro had lived in abject conditions and were even homeless at some point. Junko Enoshima • 1 Pin. Elle confirma les suspicions des derniers étudiants - qu'elle leur avait effacé des souvenirs d'au moins deux ans. 18 Favourites. Apr 2, 2017 - Then you better follow our Danganronpa cosplay tutorial and help here. Junko décida alors de briser ses propres règles et d'orchestrer un piège, en utilisant le cadavre de Mukuro. Elle revient comme antagoniste principale dans Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair en tant qu'Intelligence Artificielle et virus. Monokuma se moqua des étudiants et leur affirma que si Makoto avait survécu à son exécution, rien ne garantissait que sa chute ni son séjour dans la déchetterie ne lui serait pas fatal. Junko Enoshima (江ノ島盾子 Enoshima Junko) est un personnage de Danganronpa : Trigger Happy Havoc, portant le titre d'Ultime Fashion Victim. Throughout fictional media, villains have had many varying reasons for why they do what they do. - Prix bas et cadeaux exclusifs. [25], Since the release of Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc in November 2010, Junko has become one of its most popular characters, with several memes (such as “Junko posing”) being made about her. However, after their homeroom teacher Chisa Yukizome comes across the group, creating a diversion by throwing a fire extinguisher, the pair escape, leaving Chisa to be brainwashed and lobotomised by Junko and Mukuro, after firstly demonstrating the loyalty of their followers by having a Reserve Course student commit suicide. Elle réussit presque à tuer Makoto et à reporter la responsabilité du faux crime sur Kyôko, des efforts en vain puisque Kyôko sauva Makoto au moment où Junko s'apprêtait à poignarder l’Ultime Chanceux. Overlooking the city before the school from its roof, Junko, Mukuro and Izuru stand triumphant as they plan to "infect" the world with despair, before sending a mass text to the Reserve Course students, ordering them to commit mass suicide, to which Mukuro stares at Junko in admiration, loyalty and lust, glad to die for her cause if Junko would ever feel the need to kill them. Junko Enoshima (Japanese: 江ノ島 盾子, Hepburn: Enoshima Junko), known as Ryōko Otonashi (Japanese: 音無 涼子, Hepburn: Otonashi Ryōko) in the light novel series Danganronpa/Zero, is a fictional character in Spike Chunsoft's Danganronpa video game series. Contacting Izuru once again, Junko and Mukuro arrange for their first "killing game" with the Academy's student council, trapping them on a floor of the school and providing blackmail on their elite parents' various scandals, with Izuru partaking in the event and killing the final survivor. Elle a des yeux bleus et de longs et épais cheveux blonds attachés en couettes, avec des barrettes Monokuma (l'une étant entièrement blanche et l'autre entièrement noire). Junko Enoshima is a student at Hope's Peak Academy, situated in Class 78th, as well as being one of the fellow participants of the deadly Killing School Life.. 0. ― Arcade (Marvel Comics) The archetype of a character that pulls the strings for a game relating to death or extreme … cani divertenti. Junko is included as a playable character in a 2020 crossover event of the NetEase horror game, Identity V, alongside her Monokuma form and fellow Danganronpa characters Makoto Naegi and Kyoko Kirigiri, where she (in either form) pursues the latter pair with a hammer, with the intent of executing them. 1K Views. :Glock: Junko manipula et motiva les étudiants comme Celeste ou Mondo de s’entre-tuer pour son propre plaisir. 90 cm Survived most of the Ultimate Execution (She was undamaged from getting hurt by baseballs shot in a machinegun speed, a firefighter truck hit her, being hit in the head from a bulldoze several times, being launched into space and re-entering Earth's atmosphere, she was killed … Junko is featured as the main antagonist and mastermind in the first two games of the series as the true identity of Monokuma (Japanese: モノクマ, Hepburn: Monokuma, Monobear), in the spin-off Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls in the guises of Shirokuma (Japanese: シロクマ, Hepburn: Shirokuma, Whitebear) and Kurokuma (Japanese: クロクマ, Hepburn: Kurokuma, Blackbear), and in the anime Danganronpa: The Animation and the "Despair Arc" of Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope's Peak High School. Enfants, Junko et sa sœur Mukuro vivaient dans des conditions abjectes. In the first game, Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc, Junko fakes her death by having Mukuro pose as her so she can kill her under her Monokuma guise, using the event to encourage her former classmates at Hope's Peak Academy to participate in a "killing game", both actions serving to feed her desire to fuel an "ultimate despair" within herself and them. Yasuke et Junko étaient des amis d'enfance. Don’t forget to attach Junko’s signature red bow tie to the left side of your collar. [6] Throughout the game, Junko (in the form of a robotic stuffed bear dubbed Monokuma) provides various motives to turn the students against one another, overseeing the subsequent class trials and performing the various executions while broadcasting the events to the world at large, culminating in her presenting Mukuro's corpse in an attempt to frame the "Ultimate Detective" Kyoko Kirigiri without breaking the rules she set for herself for the "killing game", and ultimately agreeing to execute herself after being exposed as the mastermind. Elle entra plus tard à l'Académie avec sa sœur Mukuro. Un jour, le château fut détruit, et Yasuke se mit à la recherche du coupable. While alluding to their incestuous relationship, the pair attempt to see if they can kill one another and experience the "Ultimate Despair", before Junko explains that the pair have been scouted to attend Hope's Peak Academy, Mukuro as the "Ultimate Soldier", and Junko as both the "Ultimate Fashionista" and "Ultimate Analyst". "[23] In 2019, Polygon ranked her as the 35th best video game character of the decade[24] while Comic Book Resources ranked her as the villain with the 3rd highest body count in manga and anime in 2020. Scène revint également en infiltrant le système de réalité virtuelle du Programme du Nouveau Monde afin de détruire la Fondation du Futur et de s'approprier les corps des membres d'Ultime Désespoir. Add to library 18 Discussion 48. Participation Hajime has made up his mind, he would sign up for the Kamukura project. After her execution, she was revived by Spyro Doomfire, who introduced Junko to the City, a city which is nowhere on any maps. Game of Death Mastermind Junko Enoshima (Danganronpa) is the most famous game of death mastermind in video games. Okay...maybe a tiny little death trap." "I promise...I've given up games of murder. Credit to all the rightful owners!⚠️ . [2], "I wanted to create a character who is bad because she is evil, who only desires outright desperation. The identity of Junko is also adopted by her fraternal twin sister and body double Mukuro Ikusaba (Japanese: 戦刃 むくろ, Hepburn: Ikusaba Mukuro), the pair and their cult being known as the Despair Sisters (Japanese: 絶望の姉妹, Hepburn: Zetsubō no shimai). Despite not being identical twins, Junko and her older twin sister Mukuro Ikusaba share several physical characteristics. Boomstick: Woah! Junko literally blocked all 1000 baseballs, survived the Cage of Death and was able to remain perfectly fine after The Burning of the Versailles Witch, The Excavator Destroyer, and Blast Off. Avec le retour de Monokuma sur l’île Jabberwock, Junko I.A. • Ultime Désespoir • Sœurs du Désespoir • Soldats de l'Espoir Later, Junko addresses the representative "Chiaki" via a monitor and traps her inside a test course for her "punishment" centre, intended to induce the rest of Nagito's class to her cause via brainwashing. At their entrance ceremony, Junko sketches a picture of Monokuma. Anime Junko Enoshima • 246 Pin. Genre So one way I thought of showing that was to make a very cute character that was visually appealing to look at." Light refused to let her use the Death Note, afraid she’d end up in limbo with him after death. Attack on Titan. "[9][10], Junko Enoshima appears in the Japanese manga adaptation of the series, written and illustrated by Touya Hajime and published by Enterbrain, as well as the spin-off Killer Killer. Junko also lacks freckles.Junko's usual outfit includes a black cardigan over a white dre… DRtA By Cartoonfan12345 Watch. 1 Canon 2 Fanon 3 Fandom 4 Navigation Yasuke and Junko were childhood friends and met on amicable terms during when Yasuke's unnamed mother was struck with a disease implied to be Alzheimer's, causing her to lose recognition of her son which also resulted in Yasuke being neglected … Décédée • Académie Kibôgamine • Classe 78 de l'Académie Kibôgamine 江ノ島盾子 Ce plan échoua cependant grâce aux efforts de Hajime. Elle a des yeux bleus et de longs et épais cheveux blonds attachés en couettes, avec des barrettes Monokuma (l'une étant entièrement blanche et l'autre entièrement noire). Junko travaillait en coulisses et contrôlait Monokuma pour causer de l'anxiété entre les étudiants et les forcer à s’entre-tuer. En tant qu'antagoniste, Junko est, avec Monokuma, le seul personnage apparaissant dans les trois jeux et les deux romans. 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