Not only that, but each weapon has often tricky combos to pull off different moves. Improved True Charged Slash The Great Sword's True Charged Slash has been improved in Iceborne. Power Charge Opens Up Other Moves When charged up, the hammer opens up other more devastating moves. Damage the hide if your attack is repelled. The main reason is the return for level 2 and 3 is very minimal (35% at Level 3 and 40% at Level 4) The Critical Jewel 2 is also hard to come, if you already get one, use that for every build require critical damage. Use dodge if the monster is too far to hit with Spirit Roundlash after Foresight Slash. While the standard approach is to perform the Spirit Combo and landing the Spirit Roundhouse Slash, this is sometimes a hindrance to do for agile monsters. This combo deals a great deal of attack damage but should only be used when the monster is stationary or when your Spirit Gauge is in the red. If you happen to pick up Taroth Sword ‘Fire’ during any of your Kulve Taroth run, this can be used as an alternate weapons for a Raw Damage (Given the Fire is hidden). Next off is the most badass move for Long Sword. While it may be dangerous to perform, it is super satisfying to pull off and also make you more powerful with the Spirit Level always maxed out. The current meta has all of the Arch Tempered version of the Elder Dragons as well as Siege Monsters (Kulve Taroth and Behemoth). Another unique attack of the Long Sword. Adds Zoro saying "Shishi Sonson" when initiating Spirit Helm Breaker and a slightly different variation of him saying "Shishi Sonson" when performing a counter successfully, key word there successfully. Now let’s look at the third of my three favourite weapons in Monster Hunter World: the longsword. For Long Sword, during Spirit Combo, you can then fire off a quick burst of Slinger Ammo with. Monster Hunter: World > General Discussions > Topic Details. Monster Hunter Rise Wiki Guide: Monsters, Weapons, Walkthrough, Armor, Skills, Palicoes, Items and more. Hunters will find that one can often upgrade a Great Sword into a Longsword, but almost never vice-versa. Let’s move on to other attacks of the Long Sword. Monster Hunter World has a ton of weapons to master. This is perfect for repositioning and to dodge some of the small attacks. The Spirit Gauge can be leveled up 3 times, with each level stronger than the other. Compare to the infamous Drachen set (Which has dominated the meta for a long time) The latest Nergigante Gamma set focus more on Attacks and also put in a lot of customization with slots for the jewels. If you decide to follow the Sheathing Stance with , an Iai Spirit Slash is unleashed. The very first mechanic that empower the Long Sword is the Spirit Combo, trigger by pressing in succession. Essentially, this is the easiest way to increase your damage, with White Sharpness, you simply increase the base attack damage by 32% (White Sharpness attack raw damage multiplier is 1.32), Armor – Full Drachen Set (Critical Boosts + Affinity) Nergigante Helm (For Maximum Might). If you’re interested in raw … This is the first level of the Spirit Gauge. ネルギガンテ (Nerugigante, 滅尽龍) in Japanese. Longsword was one of the best weapons in World/IB, some of its stuff getting balanced makes sense. Attacks can be chained together very easily. So the title says it - we have Dante's CB pop up as event quest but i'm really looking forward to wield Vergil's Yamato as long sword. Your hunter will start storing energy into the phials when attacking monsters using the sword and shield mode. I'd suggest learning the game with the long sword. A quick reference on Spirit Level and Damage of Spirit Thrust + Helm Breaker, You can perform Helm Breaker as long as you have at least one level of Spirit Gauge. From the Special Sheath stance, you can then follow up with either of the following. Spirit Thrust – A forward lunging thrust attack. At first, I jumped in the skill tree and look for the Diablo Tree (A silly mistake, yes) but cannot find any, turn out our Long Sword doesn’t have a variant for this. Please be advised that we may not reply to every individual feedbacks. The best time to use the Spirit Thrust & Helm Breaker combo is when your Spirit Gauge is red. This prevents your Hunter from taking damage while dishing it out on the monster instead. Your feedbacks will be checked by our staffs and will be attended to accordingly. It was added in a free update on March 22, 2018(Console) & September 6,2018(PC) and was not part of the game's original launch. This is the easiest and most straightforward combo to do when you want to up your Spirit Gauge by a level. This build is more viable and easier to get before you got the first fight with those Arch Tempered monster. This is shown by the phial icons below the sharpness gauge. 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I jumped back in MHW again with a new focus – to add a new weapon to my arsenal. When you time your Foresight Slash properly, you're able to ignore a monster's roar attacks. To better understand the combat mechanics of MHW, please see: This way, you won't be stunned and you'll be free to attack the monster while it's busy screaming at your teammates. The fact that it’s moveset got nerfed and got nothing great to show for it is laughable. I mainly used the Long Sword and the Hammer with a side of Dual Blades and Charge Blade. What could be better than this – Dodging the attack of the fierce monster at the last minute, counter it and deliver a powerful finish move. By clicking Submit you are agreeing to the Terms of Use. Uploaded: 07 Sep 2018 . newcomer here." This optimizes the damage that you do and prolongs the use of your gauge, allowing you to deal more powerful hits on the monster. : time I cover the Long sword and its "trippy" attacks! Red – The final level and also increase the most damage for Spirit Combo and Helm Breaker. Have you decided to pick up the Long Sword as your next weapon in Monster Hunter: World? Later this can also be combined with other combos to get out the most of the Long Sword. With this combo, you are able to adjust your positioning with the Fade Slash or Lateral Fade Slash moves without compromising your DPS. With MHW Iceborne on the horizon (Release date 26 September) Capcom has also opened the Festival Fest again with all the Event Quest available. Also, range & timing of successfully triggering Foresight Slash is narrowed. Great Sword (大剣 dai ken, "big sword") is a weapon category in Monster Hunter World (MHW). For Console Player, the current meta stopped at Arch-Tempered Nergigante () with the Gamma set for Nergigante armor. 1. This will remove the first Spirit Slash and can get you to land the Spirit Roundhouse Slash a lot faster. MONSTER HUNTER WORLD: ICEBORNE Official Website. Introducing MHW Long Sword guide with the latest meta (pre-Iceborne) If you decided to pick up Long Sword as a change of pace, this is for you! This will immediately fill up one level of Spirit Gauge, making this combo become the best way to gain Spirit Gauge Level. Super info for game Monster Hunter World – This is assuming multiplayer. This is one of the reasons MHW Long Sword is popular among players. Monster Hunter: World. With this addition, the Long Sword has become one of the beginning weapons of Monster Hunter series. *Offensive, insulting or inappropriate use of forum may lead to ban/restriction. When performing the Foresight Slash, you will quickly step back and follow up with a Slash. Last Update: 08 May 2019. Long Sword has been in almost every Monster Hunter game, and World is the first game to include Foresight Slash. The Foresight Slash allows you to take a step back or parry any incoming monster attacks. 2. But it’s not just that, if you land the Foresight Slash with perfection, this will then allow you to follow up with the Spirit Roundhouse Slash by pressing (RT for Xbox) right after the attack. The next combo to fill up the Spirit Gauge: The ultimate move to fill up the Spirit Gauge level. Almost in every build, you only need one point in Critical Boost. "),d=t;a[0]in d||!d.execScript||d.execScript("var "+a[0]);for(var e;a.length&&(e=a.shift());)a.length||void 0===c?d[e]?d=d[e]:d=d[e]={}:d[e]=c};function v(b){var c=b.length;if(0, The most basic attack of MHW Long Sword since Monster Hunter Freedom 2. Monster Hunter World: Iceborne is an upcoming expansion to Capcom's most successful game of all time, Monster Hunter World. These skills are basic to use the Long Sword effectively. Remove all quivers in Monster Hunter World . Includes changes in great sword moves (new actions), gameplay trailer, recommended combos (moveset), and more! ... LS is weak or poorly designed (for the most part), I just wanted to make an alternative playstyle by modifying the moveset and other mechanics. Deviljho is a Brute Wyvern in Monster Hunter World (MHW).イビルジョー (恐暴竜) in Japanese. Nergigante is a Large Monster in Monster Hunter World (MHW). The Spirit Combo will end with a Spirit Roundhouse Slash, a flashy attack covers a wide distance. Long Swords are very fast compared to Great Swords and can land hits much faster. Check out this Monster Hunter World: Iceborne guide & walkthrough on how to use the weapon - Long Sword! The Long Sword is known for tripping up other players due to its wide & long reach. Weapons in Monster Hunter World (MHW) are equipment that assists the player during their hunts by helping them deal damage to Monsters. This makes it much faster for you to move into the Spirit Blade combo, giving you more time to land more hits on the monster. Check out my NEW HAMMER and LONG SWORD Master Guides for ICEBORNE! This is also when the thrust come in handy, as the frame data for the thrust is shorter than the normal Vertical Slash, whenever you are planning to deliver any of the above combos, try to sneak in a Thrust to speed up the process! You can see the difference of the levels by their color going from white, yellow, to red. It was already a graceful weapon with a beautiful, sweeping, elegant moveset and now – impossibly – it’s even better. Great Sword - Best Loadout Build & Skill Guide, All Weapon Types & Categories - Abilities & Characteristics, How To Use Long Sword Guide - Recommended Combos & Tips, new move Special Sheathe & Clutch Claw was added. The problem is you’re comparing it to Longsword. Slinger Burst can be used without stopping your combo. By doing so, you can do higher damage to wounded part. While this bar is full, you can then perform the Spirit Slash combo. When you use Iai Spirit Slash after Spirit Roundlash, you can use Spirit Roundlash again. World was my first time I actually got hooked to a Monster Hunter game so I'm late to the party. The Foresight Slash Move is complicated and difficult to time. To avoid griefing, you will not be able to post or report for the first %d hours upon visiting this forum for the first time. To get the most out of … This can be combo-ed with the newly improved True Charged Slash. Weapons are divided into fourteen types, each with special requirements and a unique move-set, complete with strengths and weaknesses. During any of your attacks, hit with a directional input will result in an attack while dodging away. Every attacks with and will fill up the Spirit Gauge. This move is the staple of the longsword. The Long Sword boasts of a very good DPS, allowing players to dish out continuous damage due to its high mobility and long reach. There was few changes in Foresight Slash & new move Special Sheathe & Clutch Claw was added. Author: shadsterwolf. Or Check out my guides on other melee weapons. Monster Hunter Long sword drops out the Great Sword damage for more focus in evasion and swift attacks, At first glance, the number of moves for Long Sword may discourage new players due to it’s blandness (Especially the thrust, while it may effective in combat, I personally don’t like the animation of this attack) But don’t let look alone deceive you from the Long Word. Trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Armor – Full Drachen Set (Critical Boosts + Affinity + 1 point in Power Prolonger) Nergigante Helm (For Maximum Might). When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. Combine with the Affinity Rate from weapon or other skill, you can easily achieve 100% Affinity Rate. MHW Long Sword is definitely one of the coolest weapon to experience during your journey in Monster Hunter World. What do you like about this weapon? Uploaded: 11 Dec 2018 . can chain combo from almost any other moves. A guide on Greatsword in Monster Hunter Rise (Switch). When you use the Long Sword's Fade Slash, press R2 during the jump to smoothly transition into the Spirit Jumping Slash. These combos can be performed anytime during your attacks, either the Vertical Slash or the Thrust. It's best to practice with this move as it can provide great benefits such as avoiding taking damage and returning it to the monster in a powerful counter attack. ":"&")+"url="+encodeURIComponent(b)),f.setRequestHeader("Content-Type","application/x-www-form-urlencoded"),f.send(a))}}}function B(){var b={},c;c=document.getElementsByTagName("IMG");if(!c.length)return{};var a=c[0];if(! It was supposed to end here, but as MHW Iceborne is on the horizon, here is a bonus! For weapons that trade out the power for speed, the common approach is to add in Affinity and Critical Boosts to powerup the current average damage. ... Replaces A Long Sword with a Scythe. This is why additional armor skills are needed to get the most out of any Critical Build. Their handling is quite different from the Great Sword's, even though they come from the same branch. The first being Weakness Exploit. Drop us a comment below. Damage the hide if your attack is repelled. (e in b)&&0=b[e].o&&a.height>=b[e].m)&&(b[e]={rw:a.width,rh:a.height,ow:a.naturalWidth,oh:a.naturalHeight})}return b}var C="";u("pagespeed.CriticalImages.getBeaconData",function(){return C});u("pagespeed.CriticalImages.Run",function(b,c,a,d,e,f){var r=new y(b,c,a,e,f);x=r;d&&w(function(){window.setTimeout(function(){A(r)},0)})});})();pagespeed.CriticalImages.Run('/mod_pagespeed_beacon','','8Xxa2XQLv9',true,false,'pWh-jZSpfSU'); This means you will deal bigger damage for a longer time and you can retain this by doing the same moves over & over again. 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