WATO ⇒ Host & Service Parameters ⇒ Monitoring Configuration. A list of all available check plug-ins can be found under WATO ⇒ Check Plugins. Tapelibrary (SNIA SML MIB) Checks 17 4 11 Jan 2021 Special Agent for the JetBrains Floating... by jiuka. If the setting is Main Directory, this condition is applicable to all hosts. You can even The topics have ‘only’ an aid for visualisation function, and have no influence on the actual configuration. reboot Step 2 – Installing Prerequisites. Subsequent rules will not be analysed. is sometimes also an issue — e.g. If the tag group is used as a condition in existing rules you will receive the follwing warning: Here you need to decide whether you wish to remove the conditions from the existing You should only remove the service when you really know that this no day will certainly come! 2. restart the discovery or to carry out modifications to the configuration. Monitor JetBrains Floating License Server … buttons. to work quickly. The refresh view of all hosts which have these tags. If you are not yet very experienced with the rule sets’ names, then the procedure via the This is the normal situation for all rules with subparameters that are activated with check boxes. It is a multi-client-capable extension … This will always be (as described above) the top tag in the list. simply adds all of the missing services for this rule set. Since Checkmk’s Version 1.2.8, without exception these are configured with a single rule set. results in a natural hierarchy. both the number of virtual trees and their respective branches Here are a few examples. *) in regular expressions allows an arbitrary sequence of characters Defines whether the host should be monitored per IPv4 or IPv6, or both. a specific parameter for hosts or services. that everything again functions effectively. OMD command¶. Define the minimum number of days that it has to be valid before Checkmk sends out a … File systems on test systems have a 90/95% threshold. This option allows the discovery to be repeated only for these hosts. For example, this is necessary for the oracle_processes You can also use the Labels In all of the above three options the next step will Every rule set is responsible either for hosts or for services — never for both. omd can be used as the root user and thus it will have … of Undecided services (currently not monitored you will see Monitored services. For this reason, with Checkmk you will find an abundance of rules dialog so that not all tag groups are displayed by default. the default setting PING (active check with ICMP echo request: Click on Host check command in order to see the complete rule set. Unlike those in tag groups, you can in fact change the IDs of tags retrospectively. 3. Save and exit the file followed by a reboot. receive the Windows auxiliary tag from WATO. Each one represents an important There are two ways of eliminating such services: Simply set the checkboxes for the services that should not be monitored and for the sake of completeness. If however a positive condition with the tag exists, you will receive the above warning … ways to this end. Rules in lower folders always have priority over higher ones. …​ displayed in the rule conditions as a list which can be expanded and collapsed using a small triangle icon. Windows Service Discovery (what) and Windows services (how) The agent provides no information at all, e.g., because NTP is not even installed. You Or — click on  — with this all of the host’s A number of the previous rule sets have been rendered ineffective through this action. The usefulness of the complete monitoring It is also a good idea at the beginning to give enough thought to the You can also define that a tag is not In addition there are further rule sets for a number of plug-ins aid of the Disabled services rule set. Here you simply give fixed names to the rule matches that you need again and again, To this You can access the rule via WATO ⇒ Host & Service Parameters ⇒ Monitoring Configuration. You can change what columns are shown, have additional filtering based on hostname/hostname regex or service name/service … take you to the following dialogue: In Mode you will find exactly the same options as in the WATO service The way to the rule sets for services is similar. This service exists for every host and will log a a third option for selection — for example, Not in a datacenter. The applicable You have several options for this: In a folder, select the check boxes for individual hosts and press, Search for hosts with Host search, and then press in the search results. You won’t necessarily want to monitor everything that Checkmk finds. All (unspecified) file systems have a 85/90% threshold. you can use folders, host tags, and explicit host names to make restrictions you can make the work easier with WATO’s the Checkmk instance was installed, and they are a part of the WATO sample rule set in the analysis mode: This mode has two features. Instead In the rules, Windows will appear as its own tag Now it makes little sense to have to look at lists of thousands of services and/or always An example is CPU load. The agent notifies that the requested service does not run or has a problem. By default the host groups appear here, so first click on . by using the @foo syntax. State and count of processes for the how, then you will not have There is a catch though: changes to the discovery rule only If the hosts are already in monitoring — and it knows that the hosts are DOWN — you can bypass them here and thus avoid the timeouts. ): For rules that are applicable to services there is a last type of condition that defines a match symbol in the host’s service list. Important: all host names entered here will be checked for exact congruence. We will replace the logic of the above table with a set of four rules. It is rarely a good sign when an interface is sometimes How to do this is explained in the article on the hosts. Where is it actually defined which host is a test system? Alongside the additions, in Mode you can also choose to delete superfluous Let’s start with updating the system. but only when you don’t want to keep individual services in an error state. What happens when this change is desired and is to be accepted as OK from The following example shows a condition which all hosts will match whose names Cloud andcontainer systems like Azure, AWS andKubernetesautonomo… With the --cache and respectively --no-cache options you And on the command line, with many commands you can select all hosts having the foo tagline variable. Deleting tags is achieved by editing the group, removing the tag and then saving the data. creating a passive service: Nextly, you need to notify the core of the service. parameter page. Checkmk is the fastest route to monitoring your complex and hybrid IT infrastructure. The standard syntax for permitted characters applies (only letters, digits, underscore). If we assume that mysrv123 is a test system, and that in each case the first relevant This is naturally much easier, automatically added to the host by WATO when this tag is selected. the label in the usual form key`:`value. In the introduction, regarding the principle of rules I wrote that the first applicable rule determines You can freely-define your own tags, and some tags are already predefined. This type is used for the allocation of hosts and services to host, service and contact groups for example. A short description of their functionality. Here is a step-by-step procedure for Afterwards you can go ahead and activate the NSCA receiver with with host groups. transfer). rule sets in which a rule can define multiple parameters by selecting individual check boxes. Checkmk demonstrates possibly its greatest strength when configuring services:it possesses a… There are a number of plug-ins that notice things during a discovery. working on rules and settings, in that moment a discovery check activates something like this: A click on Basic information on the installation of Checkmk, Basic Principles of monitoring with Checkmk, Monitoring network services (Active checks), User Management with LDAP/Active Directory, System Monitoring with Checkmk – Part 1: The Basics, System Monitoring with Checkmk - Part 2: Advance Topics. Cloning creates an identical copy of the rule that you can then edit with . Here the individual plug-ins can be searched for, filtered in various categories: For each plug-in three columns of information will be shown: a description of the service (Type The WorkFirst Program helps participants … Your tag group will then be displayed with the predefined Bulk Discovery — simultaneous discovery on multiple hosts, 7.1. To create a virtual host tree, first add the snap-in In this way you can, for example, activate the trend take effect with the next discovery. button — has only a visual function — the first tag in the list is deemed to be the default value! The monitoring is after all there for such In summary, then: less work — more quality! In order to clarify the principle of rule-based configuration we will compare it to the classic method: As an example, let’s take the configuration of the thresholds for WARN and CRIT in the for example myservicegroup or its alias _My Service Group 1.. Please don’t forget: for rules concerning explicit services a match with the service name is required A few services can’t be installed using an automatic discovery. You might increase your timeout value or change max_check_attempts for this service. If, on the basis of host characteristics and folders, you The sequence in which the rules are listed can be changed with the Windows 2012 tags. to preclude such situations you can reschedule the time for this function, In any case, that would simply conditions/filters, of which you can use one or more: Check plug-ins are required to generate services in Checkmk. If you wish to see the parameters created with $(date +%s): The service now immediately shows its new status: If you are familiar with the Nagios NSCA tool, you can continue → at 90% used space WARN, at 95% CRIT. A number of plug-ins have two rule sets in fact — one only exclude individual services from monitoring, but also formulate rules An example are the rules in the Active checks category. WATO not only forbids such changes, it also attempts to adapt your existing configuration so Deleting and modifying existing tags and tag groups, 6.6. …​ consolidated into their own box in the host details. So far you have learned how to include services in monitoring. This determines whether SNMP data is evaluated. Such ineffective rules can be displayed with the button. For the Do not monitor this host tag a predefined rule is provided which will disable the host monitoring. The assignment and the usage of these auxiliary tags is then done directly The advantages of the rules-based configuration are obvious: The concept is clearly recognisable and can be reliably implemented. The other tags are merely examples without function. such as Filesystem and myservice to create a set of file systems. This is done with the In Checkmk, something like test system is known as a host tag. add the desired tag groups in the desired order. discover the services (the what), and the rule set practical — whether it is for automation or it simply enables an experienced user As described earlier, Checkmk ascertains, separately for each individual parameter, In case of doubt you can simply work with prefixes — e.g., loc_dc1 — instead of only dc1. The WATO can only always activate all changes! There will now be three possible conditions for This is the normal situation with rules that set simple parameters. Additional outputs can be received with a second -v. With SNMP-based These are created via You will require a copy of the rule for every for those switchports where you can decide you can also select whether a SNMP-Scan should take place. With these you can, e.g., set up an HTTP check for specific hosts. host there is a data set that stores the automatically-discovered services. This restricts the discovery to such hosts for which the Discovery Check failed. Creating your own tags is achieved using the Host tags WATO module. After an Activate Changes the new service will start its life in the These are rules for hosts, not for services. warning whenever it finds unmonitored items: The details of unmonitored or vanished services can be found in the Here AND-links are also always used. With the third variant you can also perform the service discovery recursively (DB2 Tablespaces). device class and operating system for your hosts. A further problem needs to be considered: adding services or even the omd config and as needed modify the NSCA configuration, which is found Please be aware that there can nonetheless be situations in which manual corrections need to be made Now you want to define a rule which will be valid for all Windows hosts. which is set up automatically on new instances. You can leave Topic blank. configuration. For example, the check for switchports will only take The you will find the button. rule with . services deselected in this way will be highlighted as missing by Checkmk, configured, and therefore all discovered services appear in the same rule set as in your own active checks, On the one hand, which opens the following input masks: The Tag group ID is used internally to identify the tag group. In practice there tend to be hundreds or thousands of file systems. Join thousands of sysadmins and receive free professional tips and tricks to help you … change using the handles. be composed much more complicatedly however, as shown in this example of The group has the status builtin and can not be modified. It only appears in a rule’s edit mode. services — is configured independently via rules. For a host that is already being monitored this list looks different. The settings in these rules are tailored very specifically to their appropriate plug-in. button that appears in such a case. Oktober 2010 23:59 An: checkmk … and leaves all other settings unaffected. Host tags are organised in groups. For example, for the service Filesystem /var the Item is the text /var. A point-asterisk (. Alternatively, you can filter using tags: This would perform the discovery for all hosts with the host tag mytag. In an emergency, call 911 or the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233 (TTY 1-800-787-3224). These will not be shown as a selection field in the host mask, rather they will be displayed as a check box. are found. be received by the production check. Every rule set has the task of defining you later below) will likewise be unhappy. the results of an analysis. So that this doesn’t get confusing if you have many tag groups (e.g., because you have numerous a particular data base instance has been set up only ‘to play around with’, Exclude hosts where the agent is unreachable. also across all groups! find out by navigating directly via the service to the relevant rule. You also naturally need to know the rule set’s name. These are managed with the Predefined Conditions WATO module. Labels are ‘attached’ to hosts in the same way as tags. alert handlers. A new rule created using the Create rule in folder button will always appear at the end of the list Global views can alwaysbe directly called up. with host tags, and thus generate a ‘virtual’ The combination with the Refresh all services (tabula rasa) option makes less sense in this case however as it can distort the status of existing services. Modifying an existing tag group configuration appears to be a simple operation at first — but that is unfortunately not always the case, as it can have big impacts on an devices you can even see every single OID retrieved from the device: A complete renewal of the services (tabula rasa) can be performed with a This displays all rule sets in which you have defined at least one rule. for which you need to accommodate a different tag scheme. The rule in the image simply defines one value, Some families participate in the WorkFirst Program. two options — yes or no. Hosts for which an earlier service discovery via bulk operations has failed (e.g. For check plug-ins that require an item you must also The service then flags CRIT or UNKNOWN. Check’s context menu using the You can run it by hand to test the notification system. Either — remove the service via the check box (you will need to save after like this: We have earlier shown how you can configure the Checkmk simplifies this by allowing you to create tag groups with only a single tag. Then with Add new element button. This exists only once for each This characteristic defines whether and how piggyback data is expected/processed for corresponding hosts. The rule will apply only to these hosts. the missing services, you can alternatively select them via the check boxes rule applies to every file system, the result will be the same thresholds as in the table above: File systems with the mount point /var/trans have a 100/100% threshold. appears — Create mount point specific rule for as an example here. all hosts from time to time. Relevant details may be found in the article on services. The system’s service level. Reload check_mk configuration using below command – root@kerneltalks # service xinetd reload Redirecting to /bin/systemctl reload … explicitly-named hosts from the rule. Then call up the settings via WATO ⇒ Global Settings ⇒ User Interface ⇒ Virtual Host Trees, Via the Negate option you can define a reversed-exception. Then assign an ID and Title to the tree, and optionally exclude empty tree branches at the covered and that no important service goes unmonitored. It is Treat this tag group only as an example. In this case, as always in WATO: The match is applied to the beginning of the host name. The Title will be used everywhere in the GUI in connection with the tag group. will be replaced by the user name. There are some situations in which an automatic service discovery would make calls the hosts, filtered per branch. following the point. Among these In the Service List e.g., it will look like this: The simplest way to be free of these services is with a click on the it — it can occur that log messages are ‘consumed’ by the discovery and not When you access a rule set via a host or service — for example, by using the or by an Activate changes — after which the host will be in the monitoring. no sense. value area then looks like this: If you select Make the outcome of the rule positive here, this means that the affected hosts are these are only provided as examples. Monitoring is a complex matter. Likewise, filter configurations in reports and dashboards service discovery — the what. later in this article. a problem! automatically set to this value. You can find all these names in the details tab of the Windows If uncertain, you should go through the rule set (linked via the warning) and manually Already mentioned, the host should be installed on every Windows host, service contact! 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