Your server-side code can load a local file, query a database, or get the data in some other way. “Whole grains 12.99%”) on top of our chart. If date time values are stored in UTC format (on the server), it can be converted to local Time using Date.UTC function. date-fns provides the most comprehensive yet simple and consistent toolset for manipulating JavaScript dates in a browser & Node.js. Chart Label for Thousands and Millions. In that case, it indicates the column index starting with 0. Type the number format shown above; [<1000] 0;[>1000] 0.0,k. Labels can be displayed on multiple lines by using the newline character ( ) between each line or # Text Alignment. In this Angular tutorial, we'll discuss how to implement Chart.js library in an Angular 10/9/8/7/6/5/4 project to create graphical interactive charts from data information. Create a new file followersdata.php inside the chartjs folder.